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Co-creation through scholarship.

Graeme Hathaway and Elise Omfalos

Queen Mary University of London

Since 2021, the Queen Mary Academy at Queen Mary, University of London has been running its Learner Intern Programme (LIP). The aim of LIP is to undertake scholarship and development projects in collaboration with our diverse learner population by annually hiring interns to work on strategically aligned projects in partnership with educators. This has resulted in the creation of an increasing number of learner-led/learner-facing research reports designed to influence educator practice at the University.


Graeme Hathaway and Elise Omfalos, from the Innovation and Learning team within the Queen Mary Academy, will present LIP as a jumping off point with the aim to discuss how scholarship can be undertaken via co-creation with learners, and strategies for better incorporating learners’ perspective into the work of developing innovative and well-evidenced learning practices. The goal of this session is to explore new models for learner engagement that contribute to evidence-based practices while supporting learner skill development and career exploration. Former leaner interns will also facilitate, pending availability.

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