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Inclusive Personae in Teaching and Learning.

Katie Stripe

Imperial College London

This presentation will discuss the creation of characters that are representative of the student body that can be used in a range of teaching, learning, and service delivery situations across an institution. This is an ongoing project and the presentation will cover three aspects.


1.The research behind the development of these personae and a brief overview of the work done to date.


2.Discussion of the issues with accessing appropriate imagery.


3.The current phase of the project which includes further development, student led research, and the creation of representative image template.


This initial phase of the project developed a set of personae to make teaching content and service delivery more inclusive. Much of this work has already been published so will be presented as an overview to the current phase which aims to address issues raised from student feedback about how representative the images used are in terms of style and body type. Using bespoke animation or videos with actors is prohibitively expensive in most teaching scenarios so this was not seen as a solution. Consequently, the project sought funding to move into a new phase which will include the creation of a college library of ‘Inclusive Personae’, the development of templates for the creation of appropriate animations to match the inclusive personae, and student led research into curriculum diversity. This student led research will then lead to student collaboration projects to create and deploy inclusive personae to fill gaps their research has identified.


This presentation will share more details on the issues surrounding imagery including issues around the reliability of AI, describe the student led research process, and share early findings from the student project.

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